iLighter, Gazing at flowers from the roof of hell
iLighter, Gazing at flowers from the roof of hell














— — 小林一茶(1763年6月15日-1828年1月5日,日本江户时期著名俳句诗人,本名弥太郎,别号菊明,二六庵等)

Fang Yue (1199-1262) lived in China's Southern Song Dynasty (June 12, 1127 - March 19, 1279), and had an unsuccessful path to politics because of an offense against the important officials of the imperial court. After his middle age, he "study and cultivate his moral character, lived in seclusion, and became famous for his poems" (Zhang Lei, "Song Dynasty Symphony of Snow"). He wrote about the difficulties of life to the limit.

Life is full of disappointments, hardly can we confide in others.

Since I've known you, I've been able to ride in my dreams.

-- Fang Yue

As the saying goes, "life is unpredictable" and "things change without reason", how many sufferings have I experienced and how many mistakes have I made before I can realize the vicissitudes of life?

Occasionally, I gaze at the flowers and trees in the garden from my recliner, sip a mouthful of whiskey without ice, and let the fire that penetrates my bones burn all over my body. Life is just a choice at a critical juncture, and one step is another world. I have thought about it so much that I fantasize that life can be lived over again, thinking that I can give my children the secret to making choices. Unfortunately, I forgot that I can't talk about life with someone who hasn't fallen on his or her face.

When I was a child, I occasionally found a simple brass key at home, not knowing where to insert it. The record here is just a key with no place to plug-in. If you are willing to gently stroke it, you can see the flowers in my eyes.

In this world I walk on the roof of hell Gazing at flowers

-- Kobayashi Issa (小林一茶, Japanese poet, his name means “cup of tea”, 1763-1828)

Medium member since August 2022
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iLighter, Gazing at flowers from the roof of hell

iLighter, Gazing at flowers from the roof of hell

I walk on the roof of hell, Gazing at flowers. - 此世,如行在地獄之上,凝視繁花