iLighter, Gazing at flowers from the roof of hell最是殘夏聽秋雨,滴答往復又一年傷情總在夜深後,嘀嘀嗒嗒無夢眠。Aug 4, 2022Aug 4, 2022
iLighter, Gazing at flowers from the roof of hell“昨夜寒蛩不住鳴 驚回千裡夢”中的寒夜與不悟人生不如意,十之八九,可與語人無二三。何況成功幾尺之間,而不可得。命運豈止無常,實無理也。Aug 2, 2022Aug 2, 2022
iLighter, Gazing at flowers from the roof of hell閒居聽雨讀桃花,坐井望鷹翻天飛山河搖曳無顏色,盛世風狂胡亂吹。 閒居聽雨讀桃花,坐井望鷹翻天飛。Aug 1, 20221Aug 1, 20221
iLighter, Gazing at flowers from the roof of hell“少年不識愁滋味”中的山高險峻盡國賊人到中年,負重前行中滿心悲涼Jul 30, 2022Jul 30, 2022
iLighter, Gazing at flowers from the roof of hell“萬山不許一溪奔”中的千年寂寥為什麼權力傲慢者那麼害怕人們”說話”?Jul 30, 2022Jul 30, 2022